Boat in the Morning…

Check out the new Isle of Man Steam Packet Company’s safety video for all sailings on their fast craft ‘Manannan’! Featuring our music and a well known Manx resident pretending to be a pirate…

Manannan safety announcement video

We’re pleased to release a new safety announcement video to be shown to passengers ahead of all sailings on fast craft Manannan.

The short film stars Isle of Man resident and Hollywood actor John Rhys-Davies and Steam Packet Company Passenger Services Assistant Karli Seed, who demonstrate the donning of life jackets, the removal of high heels and the evacuation of the vessel in the unlikely event of an emergency, among other things.

We’re very happy with the final video and believe the light-hearted nature of the production will keep the attention of the passengers, so they are aware of safety procedures if an emergency was to occur.!_New_safety_announcement_video

Posted by Isle of Man Steam Packet Company on Tuesday, 2 April 2019